I - J - K - L - M


Collage by Marina


Updated August 12, 2002

Like what you read?  Click on the author's name and send feedback!

-I-        -J-        -K-        -L-        -M-



I Can Eat Glass (52k) -- Mish
    Category:  SA, MSR  |  Rating:  R, for language and sexual discussion  |  Spoilers:  Orison
    Summary:  A late night distress call shatters the calm.
    Lara's Rec:  If any episode in the 7th season cried out for some real closure, it was "Orison."  Mish's short series, of which this story is the third, gives me that.  The first two stories, "Intuitive Reasoning" and "I Say Obsessive, You Say Compulsive," reintroduce us to Karen Kosseff, the Bureau psychologist Scully consulted during "Irresistable" (the episode that also brought us Donnie Pfaster) -- this one brings all the preliminary dancing around to a head.  Karen's voice is stronger than her resolve here, but she presses on, finally getting both Scully and Mulder to open up.  All of these stories are well written, but Mish shines here.  Every moment rings true, and all three characters are dead on.

If He Asked You (27k) -- Narida Law
    Category:  VR  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  A woman's lover wants a few questions answered.
    Lara's Rec:  This story is hot.  Really hot.  And it's brilliantly told, in a way rarely seen in fanfic (or literature, for that matter).  Narida and this fic inspired my own story, "The Cause of the Effect."

Illogical (23k) -- Cratkinson
    Category:  MSR, V, H?  |  Rating:  PG-13 to R, depending on your appreciation of a good make-out session  |  Spoilers:  none (set prior to Millennium)
    Summary:  This is what happens when Scully finally realizes what she wants and goes after it.
    Lara's Rec:  The battle of the century -- Logical!Scully vs. Emotional!Scully.  Her head knows that falling in love with Mulder isn't the rational, logical thing to do (my favorite line in this story is "On paper, he's actually a little creepy.").  Her heart has other ideas, but it's her head that convinces her and plans everything out.  The most delightful thing about Cratkinson's story is Scully's voice in the narration -- perfectly in character, with widely varying emotions.  The extended make-out session is quite steamy, and the anticipation of more to come is delicious.

I'm Here (6k) -- ML
    Category:  Angst (big time!), Mulder POV  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  This is Not Happening
    Summary:  What happens now?
    Lara's Rec:  Understandably, there've been lots of ScullyAngst stories coming out of "This is Not Happening."  Reading ML's story, my first thought was, "Finally, a bit of MulderAngst!"  Then I realized there was more to it, that ML was coming from someplace deeper -- a place of hope, of love and compassion and devotion, of continuation.  That's what sets this one apart from most of the other post-eps, that sense of continuation.  Lovely work, with a beautiful Mulder voice.

In Dreams (28k) -- JiM
    Category:  Skinner/Doggett  |  Rating:  PG for language  |  Spoilers:  Via Negativa
    Summary:  After the episode, "Via Negativa," Doggett's insomnia blurs the lines between Real Life and the world of dreams.
    Lara's Rec:  It amazes me how quickly the people on the show recover from their injuries.  In Real Time, healing from the physical, mental and emotional abuses these characters suffer would take weeks, if not months.  These speedy recoveries are even more miraculous given the fractured "official" timelines of the show -- for instance, everything in season 8 from "Within" through the opening of "DeadAlive" is supposed to have happened in a span of three months.  I don't think Doggett could've recovered from his waking nightmares in "Via Negativa" in that time, let alone be a functioning agent while he dealt with what happened.  JiM explores just a week of his recovery time -- insomnia, nightmares, zoning out at inopportune moments -- and the result is an incredibly powerful story of a lonely, vulnerable man driven to the brink of madness, then dragged away from the abyss by someone who cares about him.  This is damn fine storytelling.

An Informed Choice (23k) -- Karen Rasch
    Category:  V, MSR, post-ep  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  All Things
    Summary:  "What if there was only one choice, and all the other choices were wrong. . . .  All the choices would lead to this very moment."
    Lara's Rec:  When it comes to post-"All Things" stories, I'm really picky.  If it's simply "Scully wakes up on the couch, realizes she loves him, goes into Mulder's bedroom and they make love" (and there are lots of those), I'm not interested.  If the writer puts an atypical spin on that plotline, then I'm there.  Karen put a nice little spin on it, giving Scully a chance to muse on the differences between the two men on her mind.  Those musings, and the in-character pillow talk afterwards, make this fic work.

In Spring (9k) -- JHJ Armstrong
    Category:  MSR, V  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  A year in the life.
    Lara's Rec:  This is perhaps the most gentle, lyrical, romantic story I've ever read (and that's saying a lot).  Essentially without dialogue, JHJ gives us a view of Mulder & Scully's relationship we don't often see -- a slow, often halting journey toward resolution.  Scully's doubts are honestly portrayed, as is Mulder's hesitant persistence.  Absolultely gorgeous.

Interminabilis Vitae series (external link) -- Diana Battis
    Category:  MSR, S, A  |  Spoilers:  Yes.  That's it -- just yes.
    Lara's Rec:  These stories tear at my heart -- the uncertainty of new intimacy, the pain of not knowing, the power of love. . .  Gorgeous.  Simply gorgeous, all of them.  It's impossible for me to detail what I love about each of these (especially without spoiling the plot), and I think they should be experienced together.  So go read them.
        1.  Interminabilis Vitae
    Rating:  NC-17  |  Summary:  Nothing lasts forever.
        2.  Furor Brevis
    Rating:  PG-13  |  Summary:  Some things aren't better left unsaid.
        3.  In Veritate
    Rating:  PG  |  Summary:  Truth has consequences.
        4.  Esto Perpetua
    Rating:  PG-13  |  Summary:  The moment we're born we begin to die.

Interregnum IV:  Obstructions (25k) -- Horatio
    Category:  Scully/Doggett vignette, angst, post-ep  |  Rating:  PG-13 (language)  |  Spoilers:  Per Manum
    Summary:  "What does it take for you to trust me?"
    Lara's Rec:  Most post-eps for "Per Manum" have focused on the scenes between Mulder & Scully, so when I find one that doesn't, I pay it a little more attention.  Horatio's story, the fourth in a series of Scully/Doggett vignettes, beautifully explores this burgeoning friendship and how it's affected by the events of this episode.  Of course, the issue of trust is addressed, and an understanding is reached -- but the journey toward that understanding is lovely and heartfelt.  Horatio's character voices are dead-on, especially Doggett.

In the Attic (14k) -- Abra Elliott
    Category:  MSR, bittersweet?  Not angsty so much as sad, but not bad-sad.  Good sad.  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Existence
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  With every update, I always seem to have one story where this part of the process eludes me.  I loved this story.  I just can't quite put into words exactly why I loved it or what I loved about it.  I think it's a cumulative effect -- everything from the first heartbreaking paragraph to the judicious use of Scully's journal entries from past episodes combines to make this a very poignant story.  The best part is the strong, sensitive young man Abra has created in Will -- his observations of his parents are filled with warmth and love.

In the Dark of Night (4k) -- Susan Frankovich
    Category:  VA  |  Rating:  possibly R for disturbing images  |  Spoilers:  8th season
    Summary:  In the darkness of night, things may not be as they appear to be. . .
    Lara's Rec:  Much darker than Susan's usual fare, this vignette delves into the fear and anxiety that are constants in Mulder & Scully's lives, expecially after his return.  Unsettling, disturbing, with vividly on-target dialogue.

In the Light of a New Day (20k) -- Tess
    Category:  S, A, R  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  Existence
    Summary:  In the light of a new day, he wrapped his arms around them both and watched his family sleep.
    Lara's Rec:  Popular episodes usually result in lots of post-eps or missing-scene fic.  Lots of those stories mine the same basic idea or theme, or show us the same missing scene from the different authors' viewpoints.  Tess' story, while similar in storyline to Kate Rickman's "Falling Upward" (also on this archive), gives us a more cautious, almost paranoid Scully -- desperate to protect her baby, not trusting anyone who walks into that building.  Her first moments with Mulder, then with Reyes, are agonizing -- after everything she's been through, she can't allow herself to rest, to celebrate her child's birth, until she's certain the threat has passed.  Excellent, completely in character.

In The Ruins (external link) -- Lydia Bower
    Category:  SAH, MSR  |  Rating:  NC-17 for sexual content  |  Spoilers:  The End
    Summary:  Some fires destroy.  Others cleanse.  Mulder and Scully experience both.
    Lara's Rec:  One of the first stories I read when I discovered fanfic a couple of years ago, it affects me just as strongly now.  Completely in character, with rich dialogue and deep emotion, Lydia's view of Mulder & Scully's reactions to the events of the episode is stunning in its realism.

Into a Forest (16k) -- Marasmus
    Category:  V  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  I respectfully decline to answer.  Proceed at your own risk.
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  In the summer of 2000, several writers got together to do improv challenges -- they provided elements for each other and set a two-hour time limit to write the story.  Several incredible fics came out of that experiment, some of which are on this site.  This is one of the best -- brilliantly written, suspenseful and emotional, with an ending that packs a punch.

Inversion Layer (external link) -- Blackwood
    Category:  MSR, Story, Post-ep  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  X-Cops
    Summary:  Agent Scully has an admirer, or two.
    Lara's Rec:  I loved "X-Cops."  Really.  I thought it was a hell of a lot of fun.  And Blackwood's post-ep is just as much fun as the episode itself.  Against a backdrop of Scully's quest for breakfast, we get some hot, romantic smut along with a very cool original character and a nice wrap-up scene between Mulder & Scully and Sgt. Duthie.

It Came in the Mail (external link) -- Forte
    Category:  SA  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Requiem
    Summary:  Someone's trying to tell Scully something.
    Lara's Rec:  A lovely, different sort of post-"Requiem" fic in which Scully's taking care of herself and still hopeful of finding Mulder soon.  It's incredibly fun to watch Investigator!Scully launch into high gear when she receives a clue to his whereabouts.

It's Just a Question (3k) -- Kelly Moreland
    Category:  V, H  |  Rating:  G  |  Spoilers:  Requiem
    Summary:  We all think about weird stuff sometimes. . .
    Lara's Rec:  Bellefleur, Oregon, isn't a town one can fly into, so Mulder and Skinner had a long drive to get to the woods.  Kelly wondered what they might talk about on the way, and this giggle-worthy little tale was the result.  Terrific, in-character dialogue.



Last (33k) -- Innisfree
    Category:  MSR, A  |  Rating:  R for sexual situations.  I feel like HBO.  |  Spoilers:  All Things
    Summary:  I could try for something clever here, but it boils down to the missing scene from "All Things."  I think it's a good time to revisit that episode just in case 1013 thinks we've forgotten it.
    Lara's Rec:  Although it's not on my list of favorite episodes, "All Things" has proved to be pivotal to fanfic writers.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of missing-scene fics that came out of it were pretty simplistic.  What makes this one different is the level of the intellectual and emotional discourse, both in Scully's internal monologue and in their dialogue.  Circumstances and Mulder force her to confront how she feels about him, laying his own heart bare to her.  They deal with their fears and their love, with promises both silent and spoken.  Lovely, lovely work.

The Last Worthless Evening (31k) -- Anne Hedonia
    Category:  S/D, Doggett angst  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  8th season
    Summary:  A necessary emotional arrangement.
    Lara's Rec:  I've always believed that eventually, everybody falls in love with Dana Scully.  Mulder, Frohike, Skinner, the Smoking Man. . . even Doggett.  In this story, set more than a year after their first meeting, he finally tells her -- but only after she confesses an emotional need of her own.  The "ghost of a missing partner" is still a very real presence between them -- neither of them plans on giving up on Mulder, but neither of them is quite sure what's going to happen when they find him.  What impresses me most about Anne's story is the depth of what Doggett feels for Scully.  (Well, that, and the fact that she borrowed the title of one of my favorite Don Henley songs.)

Lead Them Home (22k) -- Ms. AM
    Category:  V, A  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  Without
    Summary:  He looked down and saw a small figure with red hair flying behind her half-running toward him.  She was holding her stomach with one arm --
    Lara's Rec:  Sweet, gentle, and sexy as hell, this story feels like several stories rolled into one -- but in a good way.  Lots of angst in the beginning, some incredibly hot smut in the middle, a beautiful and touching resolution -- there are just so many lovely moments here, so much to make me smile.  It's a wonderful, resonant alternative to the way things happened on the show.

Legitimate (external link) -- Beduini
    Category:  MSR  |  Rating:  G  |  Spoilers:  Vienen
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  A very gentle story tracing the evolutions (plural) of Mulder & Scully's relationship -- from the first tentative hello's through the growing trust and affection, right up to events of the 8th season.  Told alternately in second-person and third-person, Beduini shows us only a few of the specifics of the past, focusing instead on the here and now.  The details here are perfect, from the scuff marks on the floor and the bored/curious glances of the people around them to the flickering elevator lights and the scent of gardenias -- and some marvelous conversation at the end.

Letters to You series (external link) -- Susan Frankovich
    Category:  V  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  8th season
    Summary:  A series of letters Scully is writing to her unborn child.
    Lara's Rec:  Thinking back to "Memento Mori" and "The Sixth Extinction," we know that Scully turns to pen and paper when she's confronted by strong emotions -- her journals in those episodes were written to Mulder.  Susan picks up on that in a different way -- instead of writing to Mulder this time, she writes to her baby.  The emotional depth in these vignettes is powerful, sometimes sad, sometimes funny.  The recent "About Your Dad" is poignant and heartbreaking.  (Susan lists the newest installments at the top of her page; scroll to the bottom and start with "I Promise.")

Letting Go (2k) -- Susan Frankovich
    Category:  VA, third person POV  |  Rating:  not rated  |  Spoilers:  Sein Und Zeit
    Summary:  It's time to let go. . .
    Lara's Rec:  A touching, atypical missing-scene fic for "Sein Und Zeit," as Mulder & Scully are lovingly watched over in the night.  Particularly moving is Scully's reaction to what happened, her struggle to be strong for Mulder.  Susan's vignettes are always poetic; this one is no exception.

The Light of the Soul (30k) -- Snark
    Category:  Pre-ep and companion for SUZ/Closure  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  Closure
    Summary:  Can the souls of the dead heal those of the living?
    Lara's Rec:  I tried for an hour to articulate why I like this story so much -- and I failed miserably.  I just do.  There are so many things to love here -- a gentle Samantha voice, several intriguing original characters, and a touching, beautifully written sense of closure for both Samantha and her brother.  Just read it and you'll understand.

Limited Edition (9k) -- Fiona
    Category:  V, H  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Existence
    Summary:  Scully learns to adjust and accept.
    Lara's Rec:  Ah, the joys of parenthood -- chief among them, getting to act like a child again yourself.  As an aunt, I've always reveled in the opportunity to see Disney movies with my nephews, and play with their toys, and eat their cereal.  It's something I can totally see DaddyMulder taking full advantage of.  MommyScully, not so much -- until DaddyMulder teaches her how.  This delightful little story is about the fun of playing battleship in the tub, and the excitement of searching for the prize in a box of cereal.  And it's utterly charming.

Linger (28k) -- Innisfree
    Category:  A, MSR  |  Rating:  R (language)  |  Spoilers:  Per Manum
    Summary:  My take on the missing scene from "Per Manum."
    Lara's Rec:  This is the first story by Innisfree that I've read, and I must say I'm impressed with the author's uncanny ability to get inside Mulder's head.  He's self-absorbed and self-deprecating, witty and emotional, angry and sappy -- Mulder is Our Mulder here.  This is also the first story I've read to address the "will you?" scene that Mr. Carter so thoughtfully left out so us fic writers could have a go, and it succeeds in every way.  Plus which, Innisfree has the best line I've read in a disclaimer:  "Sometimes The X-Files is like Home Depot.  You just have to do it yourself."  That should be the fic writer's credo.

Little Man (14k) -- Fialka
    Category:  Um, is there a category for Doggettfic yet?  Yeah, Doggett and Scully but not Scully/Doggett.  I have my limits. <g> Post-ep.  |  Rating:  G  |  Spoilers:  Badlaa
    Summary:  A little man may have some answers for Doggett.
    Lara's Rec:  After the events of "Badlaa," Doggett finds himself back in the basement office, searching for some insight into his situation with Scully.  He finds it in an unlikely place -- Mulder's junk drawer.  Fialka's Doggett voice is dead on here, and the details, from the chattering teeth to the photo to the little alien in the Santa hat, are finely drawn.

Living Again (6k) -- Mel
    Category:  not listed  |  Rating:  not rated  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  "But I want to move forward.  I want to live in the present."
    Lara's Rec:  This story makes me weepy.  It's sweet and sad and romantic, with a beautiful picture of Mulder and his life several years from now.  Mel uses an interesting mix of dialogue and narration, both spoken to Scully, that I think works quite well.

Longest Night (external link) -- aRcaDIaNFall$
    Category:  A, MSF/MSR (open to interpretation)  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  Sein Und Zeit
    Summary:  Scully helps Mulder through the night after his mother's death.
    Lara's Rec:  Grief is a process.  It takes time to work through the pain of losing someone you love, especially when it happens suddenly.  To have someone to lean on, to hold you, to help you cope, someone who'll listen to your rants, your silences, your sobs. . . that's truly a blessing.  That's Scully's role for Mulder in this lovely missing-scene fic.  Elegant in its language, this heartfelt story made me a little weepy.

Loose Ends (11k) -- Vickie Moseley
    Category:  RST implied, MA  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  All Things
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  "All Things" wasn't one of my favorite 7th season episodes, but post-ep stories like this one more than make up for what I was missing.  If I were Mulder, I'd do exactly what Vickie has him do here -- check out Daniel Waterston.  Their scene together is incredibly well-written, with excellent dialogue and on-target characterizations.  I got a deeper level of emotion from Vickie's Daniel than I did from the episode, and Mulder's observations in the first few paragraphs are very real.

Love For All Seasons -- Kate Rickman
    Category:  MSR  |  Rating:  R  |  Spoilers:  Fight The Future
    Lara's Rec:  This is a multi-part series, beginning just after the movie.  These are the parts I like best.
        1: Summer Into Fall (18k)
    Summary:  Scully spends a month at her mother's cottage on Chesapeake Bay and finds more solace than she sought.  Introspection, then action.  What *should* have happened after FTF.
    Lara's Rec:  Beautiful introspection, loving action.  Kate's Scully is someone longing to heal, to move on, to reconnect with her partner.
        2:  Coloring Fall (19k)
    Summary:  Still learning to be comfortable in their new intimacy, Mulder and Scully are ambushed by the Scully clan.
    Lara's Rec:  This is not a Bill Scully fic, full of anger and recrimination.  It's marginally a Charlie Scully fic, but not even that really.  It's more a Mulder-trying-to-fit-in fic.  Lovely moments for Mulder at the end.
        5:  Leaves of Spring (11k)
    Summary:  Scully discovers Mulder's hidden talent.
    Lara's Rec:  This is my favorite of the series.  The picture of Mulder that Kate presents here is entirely believable within the canon of the show, yet so very much more -- he is truly a man with the heart of a warrior and the soul of a poet.

Love Letter (5k) -- Zephathah
    Category:  VR  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Mulder writes a love letter to Scully.
    Lara's Rec:  Sometimes I go trolling through Gossamer, looking for stories I haven't read or authors I don't know -- that's how I found this story, and this author.  (Makes me really glad I started at the end of the Authors listing that day.)  This is a truly beautiful story, full of love and affection and devotion, of drawing strength from the one who holds you up.  It's exquisite.

Luminescence (28k) -- Dreamshaper
    Category:  MSR  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  7th season except Requiem
    Summary:  "Lightning strikes only a hundred people a year across the country, Scully.  I'm not lucky enough to be one of them."
    Lara's Rec:  Childhood memories of fireflies and storms give way to recollections of more recent storms weathered.  As Mulder & Scully take their intimacy to a new level, Dreamshaper shows us what this means to him -- trust and faith, love and laughter.  This is a lovely tale, romantic and lyrical, completely in character.

Lurid Details (16k) -- T Bishop
    Category:  MSR-LF (it's not smut. . . CC calls it Lurid Fiction.  Who am I to argue with the man?)  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Yes!  Yes!  Yessss. . .  I think that about covers it.
    Lara's Rec:  Not your typical first time fic -- but then, as Scully's narration says, "Mulder and I never seem to do anything predictably."  An encounter on a plane, flight-attendant flirting, not much conversation but the promise of much, much more -- and a certain sexual act described in precise, loving detail.



Magic and Mystery (4k) -- Pam Gamble
    Category:  H, MSR  |  Rating:  not rated  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Not provided at author's request.
    Lara's Rec:  At once mystical and sweetly romantic, this adorable little story brought a big smile to my face.  Pam's Mulder is, as always, an intensely thoughtful person -- and her Scully is resolute in diverting his attention.  Great dialogue.

Make Me One With Everything (external link) -- Livia Balaban
    Category:  V, itsy.  With a bit of H.  A light one.  |  Rating:  G  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  That little Buddha wasn't alone.  (Post-ep for "All Things," but no spoilers.)
    Lara's Rec:  Livia writes the most incredible post-ep fics.  There's not a "typical" story among them.  She always picks up on something different and expands on it.  In this story, she took a long look at that smiling Buddha and gave him some companions -- then let Scully think about them and how they reflect the Mulder she knows now.  Beautiful.

Making Other Plans (15k) -- Michelle Kiefer
    Category:  S, MSR  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Brand X
    Summary:  Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans - John Lennon
    Lara's Rec:  I liked "Brand X" -- I love it when Our Heroes are the ones in jeopardy.  Michelle's story fills in the gap between the last two scenes in the episode, and she tells the tale from three POVs -- first Scully's, watching over Mulder in the hospital; then Skinner's, taking his agents home; and finally Mulder's, recovering and musing about the changes in them both.  All the characters are right on target here, and Michelle's Skinner voice is particularly effective.

Manent (14k) -- Karen
    Category:  Doggettfic  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Invocation
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  Ever since we met him, I've wanted to know more about John Doggett.  With "Invocation," my curiosity grew.  Karen has crafted an entirely believable backstory for him that not only fits in with what we sort of learned in "Invocation," but with the information revealed later in "This is Not Happening."  Doggett's voice here is perfect, and Karen's style is fascinating and lyrical.

Manly, Manly Men (9k) -- David Hearne
    Category:  post-ep, Doggett/Mulder. . . ha, ha, made you look!  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Three Words
    Summary:  not summarized
    Lara's Rec:  From the very first line, I knew I'd like this story.  And I laughed all the way through it.  Every moment of this story makes me smile or laugh or giggle -- the conversations between them, the movies they watch, the beer they drink. . .  Damn, this is fine work.  Definitely one of David's best post-eps.

Marines and Cops (28k) -- J. S. Michel
    Category:  Scully/Doggett friendship.  MSR.  Mulder-lite.  |  Rating:  PG-13 for language  |  Spoilers:  Alone
    Summary:  ". . . anybody who fit such a perfect Bureau mold couldn't possibly understand the X-Files."
    Lara's Rec:  First impressions can be deceiving, as Scully finds out in this introspective character study.  But while she's thinking about the paradox of Doggett, she discovers a few things about herself and Mulder, too.  Both characterizations are especially strong -- Scully's view of her physical self (my favorite description:  "She. . . maneuvered her swollen belly out of the seat with the grace of a penguin"), her thoughts of Mulder and gentle comparisons of him with Doggett, her fond memories of her childhood and her father; Doggett's quiet dignity and intellect, his unselfish willingness to back her up no matter what, his courage and compassion.  Lovely work.

Marty's Lullaby (21k) -- CallRachel (no current email address)
    Category:  V, mild A, H  |  Rating:  NC-17 for adult situations, language  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  A professional escort reminisces about a night off.
    Lara's Rec:  I love stories that delve into Mulder's life in the FBI before the X-files, especially his time as a behavioral profiler.  This sweet little story, told by a terrific original character, shows us that he's always been the passionate, driven man we've come to know and love.  It also confirms something I've always thought -- he's completely irresistable, even to a pro.

Meeting Charlie (34k) -- Donna
    Category:  MSR  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Just who is this invisible brother?
    Lara's Rec:  Charlie Scully is an enigma and a challenge fic writers have frequently taken up.  He's usually portrayed as being very different from Bill, and in most stories he likes Mulder a great deal.  Donna's Charlie is a family man, lovingly devoted to his wife and children as well as his mom and sister Dana -- and while Donna sticks with the conventional regarding Charlie's feelings for Mulder, she gives them an atypical venue.  Her Mulder is fascinating, marveling at his inclusion during a family crisis, longing for what Charlie and his wife have.  Nicely realized.

Meltdown (external link) -- Blackwood
    Category:  MSR Vignette, RST  |  Rating:  NC-17  |  Spoilers:  All Things
    Summary:  Altruism has definite rewards.  ;)
    Lara's Rec:  This is my very favorite kind of smut -- as smart as it is sexy.  Blackwood takes Mulder on an emotional roller coaster from lusty to insecure to loving, and it's completely in character.  Her Scully is playful and sexy, too.  Another really big thing I love about this story is the way the main sex scene plays out.  Wonderful.

microcosm (1k) -- darkstar
    Category:  Mulder poetry, mild angst, Mulder-Sam musing  |  Rating:  G  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Memories of a childhood.
    Lara's Rec:  This vivid little poem brings a big smile to my face as I remember my own childhood -- and gives me chills when I get to the final lines.  darkstar's glimpse of Fox and Samantha Mulder, happy and carefree, is poignant -- and while those final lines foreshadow a bit, there's never a sense of dark prophesy hanging over this poem.  Lovely work.

The Missing Heart (27k) -- Annie Sewell-Jennings
    Category:  VA, M/S UST  |  Rating:  PG-13 (violence, vague mention of child molestation)  |  Spoilers:  The End
    Summary:  The last victim of John Lee Roche is discovered by accident, and her parents have an odd request concerning their lost daughter.
    Lara's Rec:  The final scene of "The End" brought up lots of questions for me -- but I never considered the loss of personal items, irreplaceable things kept in the office before reading Annie's story.  Exploring this through repercussions of the "Paper Hearts" case, Annie allows Mulder & Scully to connect with each other on a deeply personal level that's achingly beautiful.  Vivid descriptions of the coming ice storm, too.

Moment of Inertia (19k) -- Pteropod
    Category:  not listed  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  This is Not Happening
    Summary:  Season eight.
    Lara's Rec:  Glimpses of the emotional journey of the 8th season, for both Scully and Doggett -- sometimes related to what we saw on-screen, frequently not.  It's those "not" moments that prove to be the most revealing -- a picture on the bulletin board, a late-night bicycle ride, observations of eating habits.  One of my favorite lines:  "It's funny sometimes.  What you get to keep."  Their tentative reaching out for one another gives me chills.

Monday Again (external link) -- dtg
    Category:  post-ep  |  Rating:  R for language  |  Spoilers:  Monday
    Summary:  A hostage negotiator sees something Scully thought was safely hidden.
    Lara's Rec:  "Monday" fascinates me.  The whole concept of time -- time travel, lost time, time out of joint -- fascinates me.  dtg picks up one of the many possible threads of that episode and follows it to a logical conclusion -- Mulder lies bleeding on the floor of the bank, and a hostage negotiator is brought in to help diffuse the situation.  The original characters, Zan and Jack, are very well-drawn, and Zan becomes a surrogate for the reader, seeing what we see, what Mulder & Scully can't see.  Best of all, she inspires Scully to see it, too.

The Morning After Midnight (16k) -- Abra Elliott
  MSR, V, angst  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Existence
    Summary:  Um, life, love, death, and rebirth through the eyes of a friend?  Little bit of fill-in-the-blank for "DeadAlive."
    Lara's Rec:  Melvin Frohike is a sweet guy.  Yeah, he projects this tough-guy act, but deep down inside, he's a teddy bear.  Abra shows us that side of him in this lovely mood piece.  The depth of his love and admiration for Mulder really shines here.  I don't think I've ever read a better testament to the power of their friendship.  Beautiful.

Morning Ritual (15k) -- fran58
    Category:  V  |  Rating:  PG  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Before the beginning. . .
    Lara's Rec:  I believe this is the first story I've read about Bill and Maggie Scully when they were just a young family -- and it's a delightful piece of work.  fran's exploration of a lazy Saturday morning, complete with kids bouncing on the bed ("Tell Billy to stop touching me!") and romantic flirting with the one you love, is just marvelous.  These characters are exceptionally well written, especially Bill Scully and his relationships with his wife and children -- we never really got to know Ahab except through a grown-up Dana's eyes, and fran gives us that chance.

Mulder in the Morning (4k) -- Laura Castellano
    Category:  not listed  |  Rating:  NC-17 (mild, it's really probably only R)  |  Spoilers:  none
    Summary:  Scully's morningthoughts. . .
    Lara's Rec:  Short but powerful in its imagery.  Laura's admiration of Mulder -- intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically -- is matched only by Scully's, and this little vignette expresses that admiration in vivid detail.

My Favorite Word (33k) -- Mish
    Category:  S, some A  |  Rating:  PG-13  |  Spoilers:  Requiem
    Summary:  A connection is made, an awakening realized.
    Lara's Rec:  I can't tell you how glad I am that Mish admits to crying at this fic, too -- I certainly do, every time I read it.  There's so much love here, along with the pain of separation.  A sweet, wholly original story.

The Myth of Silence (external link) -- Livia Balaban
    Category:  VAR.  More A  |  Rating:  R  |  Spoilers:  This is Not Happening
    Summary:  "Love and dignity cannot share the same abode." - Ovid
    Lara's Rec:  We don't give the dead much privacy.  The nature of dealing with the end of a life precludes it.  Livia explores Scully's need to preserve Mulder's dignity while tying up loose ends, and in the process both Scully and the reader learn much about this mysterious man.  Her memories of their time together are vivid, and her reluctance to discover things best left undiscovered is heartfelt.  Only in the process of going through what he wanted her to have does she find the strength to keep his privacy inviolate, and Livia tells the story beautifully.



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