Title: In the Light of a New Day (1 of 1) By: Tess E-mail: tnv099@aol.com Distribution: Please ask first Spoilers: Big whopping ones for Existence Rating: PG Content: S, A, R Keywords: MSR Disclaimer: These characters are the sole property of 1013 and Fox. Summary: In the light of a new day, he wrapped his arms around them both and watched his family sleep. In the Light of a New Day By: Tess "SCULLY!!!" Her head lifted at the distant sound of his muffled shout. "Where is she? Tell me where she is!" A relieved smile spread across her face. Mulder would know what to do, she thought. Rising from the place where she had been crouching near the door, Special Agent Monica Reyes made her way onto the porch on slightly shaky legs. She could see him about thirty yards away through the cloud of dust being kicked up by the departing vehicles. He was racing from car to car, peering into the windows. His voice was hoarse with fear, as he demanded to know where Scully was. "Mulder!" she called. He spun toward her and ran the remaining few yards between them. "How is she?" he asked urgently. His features were tightly drawn and his voice shook slightly. "She's inside," Monica told him. "She needs to get to a hospital," she warned as she grabbed him by the arm. He was quiet, but she felt the muscles in his forearm tighten in reaction to her words. Mulder entered the dimly lit cabin and his eyes immediately fell onto the day bed in the center of the room. His heart stopped beating as his mind registered the bloodstained sheets of the now empty bed. His eyes darted around the room desperately searching for her. He gasped and spun around when she spoke. "Stay where you are." Her voice was low and menacing. Mulder peered into the shadows and he saw her curled up against the rough-hewn wall of the cabin. Relieved, he took a step toward her. "Don't come any closer," she warned and he heard the distinctive snick of the safety slipping off of a gun. Staring closely, he saw that she was clutching a blanket-swaddled bundle in her left arm, while her right arm was raised, the gun in her hand pointed squarely at his head. If he didn't know her so well, he would have missed the slight tremble in the hand aiming the gun his way. "Scully," he said in a soothing voice. "It's me." He raised his hands to show her that he wasn't a threat and chanced another step toward her. "Mulder?" she asked. She cocked her head to one side and studied his face carefully. He nodded and took a third step forward. Scully allowed him to get closer but kept the gun pointed at him. He watched her left arm tighten around the baby and she shifted her body slightly, putting herself between him and her child. "It's me, Scully," he repeated. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said. His voice was low and husky - the tone he reserved for her and their most private moments together. Hesitant recognition dawned in her eyes but she continued to adjust her aim as he drew closer and closer. Finally, he stopped and knelt in front of her. He badly wanted to reach out and pull her and the baby into his arms, but he hadn't escaped death at Krycek's hand only to die now at hers. Mulder settled onto the floor and crossed his legs in front of him. Setting the palms of his hands onto the floor on either side of his body, he tried to be as non-threatening as possible. Mulder had no idea what had transpired in the hours since he had handed Scully over into Krycek's care and he cursed himself for the thousandth time for letting her go on ahead without him. It was the one lesson that neither of them - especially he - seemed capable of learning - that they were safest when they were together. Even the reality of his abduction hadn't been enough to hammer that point home. As he sat so close to her, he wondered if that knowledge didn't now come at too high a price. Her skin was leeched of all color and her hair hung in sweaty hanks around her drawn and tired face. The baby was quiet and hadn't moved once since Mulder had entered the cabin. He wondered on a swell of fear if the baby was even alive. "Scully," he called and her body jerked at the sound of his voice calling her name. "What happened here?" he asked, searching her face for answers. He wanted to snatch her into his arms and carry her and the baby out of the dismal cabin and into the helicopter waiting outside, but first he had to find out what had happened and try to calm Scully down. He immediately retracted that thought. Scully was the picture of icy calm. What he had first mistaken for a fevered delirium was, upon closer inspection, an almost perfect control. Only someone who knew her as intimately as he would see the suppressed panic shadowing her eyes and the barely perceptible tremble in her hand. She was a new mother, fiercely protective of her child whose very existence had been threatened time and again. Her grip on the gun shifted and she used it to gesture him closer. Mulder scooted forward and kept his hands by his sides in full view at all times. "Bend down," Scully ordered quietly. Startled, Mulder's eyes flew up to hers. "Bend down," she demanded again. Puzzled, Mulder obeyed, bending at the waist and leaning forward. "Lower," she said in a tightly controlled voice. Mulder pressed closer to the floor. Unsure of what she wanted, he prayed that he had been right in judging the soundness of her mind. He jumped when her hand closed over the back of his neck. He lifted his eyes and saw the gun lying on the sheet wrapped around her legs, but he made no move to grab it from her. Scully's fingers probed along the vertebrae that ran up into his neck and then she plunged her hand beneath the collar of his T-shirt, searching for something. "Mulder." Her body sagged forward over his bowed back and the fingers that had been roughly searching his flesh only seconds earlier turned caressing as she pulled him close. Bewildered and relieved, Mulder surged up onto his knees and banded his arms tightly around her body as he pulled her and the baby into his embrace. "Scully." Her name escaped his lips on a ragged expulsion of breath. Pulling back, he cupped her face in his hands and brushed the damp hair off of her cheeks. He was alarmed at the warmth of her skin under his palms and nose-to-nose, he became aware of the fevered brightness of her eyes. "They wanted to take our son, Mulder," she moaned, her eyes breaking away from his face to look down at the bundle cradled in the curve of her arm. Mulder's eyes flew downward and he reached out with trembling fingers to tug back the blanket shielding the child from his view. The baby had yet to make a sound and Mulder's heart was in his throat as he peeled the blanket away from the infant's face. Scully traced one finger over the baby's cheek and he snuffled softly and turned his face in the direction of her hand. His lips smacked softly and his fingers flexed once, twice, before he settled back down into the protective circle of his mother's arm. Mulder's breath caught and he lost his balance, falling back to sit on the floor with a thud. Scully reached out for his hand, but a sound at the door had her snatching the gun back out of her lap and she raised it toward the newest threat. Mulder scrambled to his knees and moved his body between the figure silhouetted in the doorway and his family. "It's okay." Monica Reyes stepped into the cabin and Mulder relaxed, slumping back onto the floor. Surprised, he saw that Scully still had the gun trained on the agent. "Scully," he said as he put his hand on her and tried to push her arm down. She shrugged off his restraining hand and continued to track Monica's careful movements into the cabin. "It's alright, Mulder," Monica said. "Dana has her reasons for being suspicious." She stopped moving when she was about four feet away from the small family. Mulder's head swiveled between the two women, noting the calm look of understanding on Agent Reyes' face and the look of cool determination on Scully's. "What reasons?" he asked and he felt the fear coil low in his belly again as he tried to figure out what threat Monica Reyes could possibly pose to Scully and their son. Monica's eyes left Scully's face and slid toward his. "I let them come in," she said softly as she glanced over her shoulder toward the now empty street. Mulder's eyes narrowed and he cocked his head to one side as he waited for her to explain. "Check the back of her neck, Mulder," Scully ordered in a hard voice. Mulder's head whipped toward her in shock. "The back of her neck?" he asked in confusion. What was he supposed to be looking for? He remembered Scully's fingers probing the skin stretched tightly over his vertebrae. A chip? His head turned again and he studied the woman standing silently before him as he considered just what, if any, threat she represented. His instincts were telling him that she was not a danger to him, Scully or the baby, but the coiled tension vibrating from Scully sent chills through his body. "Agent Reyes?" he asked and the dark-haired woman nodded and knelt on the floor in front of him. "What am I looking for?" he said, glancing back at Scully. Her eyes were locked on Monica's and she didn't answer. "Scully?" Mulder asked again. Monica's eyes slid from Scully's as she bent forward, lowering her head to the floor. "The... the others had large bumps protruding beneath the skin along their spine," she said in a muffled voice. "It's how we knew they were... they were..." "Aliens," Mulder said in a flat voice. Monica nodded and swept her hair to one side, baring the vulnerable nape of her neck to Mulder's gaze. He reached out with a tentative hand and slid the tips of his fingers over her neck and then down under the collar of her shirt as Scully had done with him only minutes earlier. He could find nothing unusual. His fingertips probed and traced over the delicate bumps of her spinal cord hidden beneath the pale, soft skin. He pulled his hand from under her collar and touched his fingers to her shoulder. Monica raised her head slowly and she and Mulder both looked at Scully. "I didn't feel anything unusual," Mulder told Scully. "Do you want to check for yourself?" he asked. Scully chewed her lip for a moment before shaking her head. She lowered the gun to her lap again and blew out the breath she had been holding. She lifted the baby with both arms and buried her face in his blanket. Raising her head, she looked at Monica, and then turned to Mulder. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so... so sorry," she said as she rocked back and forth. Mulder smoothed his hand over her hair and Monica shook her head. "You were protecting your child," she smiled. "You have nothing to apologize for." She tilted her head to the side and gazed fiercely into Scully's eyes. "Nothing," she repeated. Scully nodded and knuckled a stray tear from the corner of her eyes. "Okay," she said on a shaky breath. "Okay." Monica turned away from Scully and leaned down to Mulder. "The chopper is waiting," she reminded him. "We need to get them to a hospital." Mulder squatted next to Scully and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Let's get out of here," he said. "Can you stand?" Scully adjusted the blanket around the baby and nodded. She looped one arm around Mulder's neck and pushed herself to her feet. The room spun dizzily around her and she would have fallen if not for Mulder. Her grip on the baby slipped and she cried out in fear but Monica reached out and steadied him. "Give the baby to Monica," Mulder said. Scully shook her head and clutched the baby tightly. The infant gave a tiny cry, protesting the strength of his mother's embrace and she lowered her lips, whispering a litany of apologies into his ear. Monica held out her arms. "I'll be very careful with him," she said gently. Scully looked down at the tiny boy in her arms, reluctant to turn him over into the other woman's care. With the exception of his father, she didn't completely trust anyone with her child. "I'll walk right beside you, so he's never out of your sight," the other agent promised, understanding Scully's hesitance. Mulder's lips slid over Scully's ear and his breath was soft and warm as he spoke. "It'll be okay, Scully," he whispered. "Give him to Monica so that I can get both of you onto the helicopter." He squeezed his arm around her encouragingly. "We need to get out of here." Scully nodded quickly and handed the baby into Monica's arms. "Hey there, sweetheart," the dark-haired woman cooed. "You've had quite a night, haven't you?" Monica waited while Mulder lifted Scully into his arms. Arms filled with their precious burdens, the two hurried toward the waiting helicopter. The bright lights of the helicopter momentarily blinded Scully and she squinted into the surrounding darkness, alert for any sign of danger. Monica climbed into the helicopter and watched as the pilot helped Mulder settle Scully into one of the back seats. Mulder squatted next to her and tenderly fastened the seatbelt around her. As soon as she was safely buckled into the seat, Scully held her arms out. "My baby," she said quietly. Mulder took the child and sat down next to Scully. She reached out with eager hands and reclaimed the baby. "Everyone buckled in?" the pilot asked as he flipped the switches to send the powerful overhead blades spinning. His passengers nodded and he spoke into the microphone attached to the headset as he called ahead to the nearest hospital to alert them to their arrival. In the back of the helicopter, Mulder reached out hesitantly to touch the baby's cheek. "Do you want to hold him?" Scully asked as she lifted a tired face to his. Mulder shook his head and instead began to peel away the blankets that were hiding his son from him. Scully shifted and held the baby closer for Mulder's inspection. He drew one long finger down the center of the infant's chest, stopping just above the place where the umbilical cord was tied off. He lifted one of the little boy's hands and was astounded by the tiny fingers that gripped his. "He's beautiful," Mulder whispered as he lifted damp eyes to Scully's. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Like his father," she said. ********* She was pacing the length of the waiting room, counting the tiles in the floor and dying for a cigarette when she heard her name being called. "Monica!" She looked up to see John Doggett and A.D. Skinner hurrying from the bank of elevators at the other end of the hall. She smoothed her hands over the pale blue hospital scrubs that she had changed into, after taking a shower and discarding the clothing that had been stained with blood and other birth fluids. She smiled and walked over to greet the men. "Is everything okay?" John asked, clutching one of her hands in his. Monica grinned happily and squeezed his fingers tightly. "Mother and baby are well," she declared proudly. "Scully has a little bit of a fever and she's going to need to stay off her feet for a few days, but other than that she's fine," Monica told them. "And the baby?" Skinner asked eagerly. Monica looked up and her grin grew even bigger. "Seven pounds, three ounces," she told him. "He's absolutely gorgeous!" she said emphatically. Skinner laughed and clapped his hand on Doggett's back. John smiled and then squeezed Monica's hand again, drawing her attention back to him. "Truth time," he said solemnly. He stared deeply into her dark eyes. "How bad was it out there?" he asked. Monica drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. The bright sparkle in her eyes dimmed for a moment and her fingers trembled. "Not right now," she said, patting his hand. "We've got plenty of time to talk about it later," she told him. Her soft, sad smile widened until it was a full- fledged grin again. "Come on," she said. "Let's go see the happy family." She led the two men down the hall and stopped outside of one of the rooms. She quietly opened the door and poked her head inside. Turning, she laid her finger over her lips and gestured for John and Skinner to follow her inside. Mulder looked up and smiled, waving them closer. John and Skinner crept quietly across the room. Mulder had climbed into the bed next to Scully who was curled on her side, soundly sleeping. The cheerfully decorated room was softly lit with the early morning sunlight streaming through the window. Mulder shifted the tiny bundle in his arms and pulled back the blanket to reveal his newborn son to their visitors. Skinner reached out and tentatively brushed his fingers over the wisps of dark red hair curling on the baby's head. "He's beautiful, Mulder," the older man declared quietly. Mulder grinned and nodded happily. "Thank you, Sir." He stroked his thumb over the baby's chest and looked up. "He's a keeper." John held out his hand and Mulder shook it companionably. "Congratulations, Mulder." He glanced toward the woman sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed. "How is she?" he asked, nodding toward Scully. Mulder glanced down and stroked the fingers of one hand over her hair. "She lost some blood," he began and shook his head quickly when he saw the alarmed look in both men's eyes. "We got her here in time," he told them and Doggett scrubbed his hand over his eyes while Skinner's shoulders sagged with relief. "But she has a low fever and the doctors want to keep her for a few days," he said and his tone indicated that he was more than happy to have Scully in a place where she would be forced to stay off her feet for a couple of days. "Her mother is coming down later today," he said in a soft voice. "That should keep her in line for a little while," he said on a quiet laugh. The four adults shared a grin as the baby suddenly stretched before settling back down against his father's chest. Scully stirred and moved closer to Mulder, her hand instinctively lifting toward her child. She raised heavy lashes and Mulder again stroked his hand over her hair. "Go back to sleep, Scully," he said softly. She nodded sleepily and nestled her cheek back into the pillow, unaware of their visitors. When her breathing had once again grown slow and steady, Monica stepped forward and touched Skinner and John on the arms. "We should go," she suggested. Both men nodded and began to shuffle across the room. "Hey," Mulder called out as they reached the door. The three federal officers turned back toward the bed. Mulder glanced down into Scully's peaceful face and then lingered on his son's wide-eyed stare before looking back up. "Thank you," he shrugged. Skinner cleared his throat and nodded while Doggett studied the tips of his shoes, an embarrassed flush staining his cheeks. Monica rolled her eyes and sighed. "You're very welcome," she smiled. Mulder grinned back. "You should go and get some sleep too," he suggested. Monica nodded and followed the two men into the hall, pulling the door closed behind her. In the quiet room, Mulder turned onto his side and settled the now sleeping baby onto the bed between him and Scully. In the light of a new day, he wrapped his arms around them both and watched his family sleep. The End Author's notes: Yeah, I know. I'm greedy. I loved the final scene of Existence, what right-minded shipper didn't? But I wanted more. I wanted that scene where Mulder first laid eyes on Scully and William. Thanks to the gang at IWTB and the Sisters for getting me through a panic-filled pre-finale week and for being there while I did my happy little dance of joy! And special thanks as always to Aly - archivist extraordinaire and to Char for her good counsel and because, quite frankly, she's become the dearest of friends to me. You can read this and all the other XF stories I've written at: http://tessfiles.envy.nu Feedback gratefully slobbered over at tnv099@aol.com