TITLE: Dream Through My Heart. AUTHOR: Louise Andrews FEEDBACK: LouiseAndrews55@hotmail.com CATEGORY: Vignette, MSR DISTRIBUTION: Xemplary, yes. I'll post at Gossamer. Others please ask. SPOILERS: There are hints at previous episodes but no real spoilers. RATING: PG DISCLAIMER: Sadly, these characters are not mine, they belong to others and no infringement on the rights of their true owners is intended. AUTHOR'S NOTES: to follow. SUMMARY: The trials and horrors were over, his hospital stay complete and his recuperation underway. He came home last night, home to her apartment, home to love. Nest I awaken To find your head Loaded with sleep, Branching my chest. Feel the streams Of your breathing Dream through my heart. From the new day, Light glimpses The nape of your neck. Tender is the weight Of your sleeping thought And all the worlds That will come back When you raise your head And look. John O'Donohue *********************************** Dana Scully's apartment, early morning. *********************************** You're here. This is the first morning I can remember in so long. Time has been a stream with no definition -- only measured by the number of times I thought of you. You have been my anchor ... to sanity, to life. I was torn from you. Alone. Adrift without you. Pain scorched my body, but none so hot and searing as the realization that I might never see you again. I couldn't count hours -- only thoughts of you, your face in some dreaming place. My Scully, safe and away from that place of horror and those men and beings who valued the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human spirit as so cheap a thing. You were out of harm's way; that was all I needed to know. They didn't have you, even though I knew you were looking -- searching for me -- never giving up. You're here now, your head heavy on my chest, rising and falling with my breathing. Your own breath, warm and moist, whispering soft as silk across my skin. Even when I was gone, I was as close to you as I am now. I longed to feel your skin touch mine; I longed to hold you like this, but your life essence was a part of me -- always. Every fiber of my being, every cell, every nerve ending, contained you. "I won't let you go alone" -- a constant echo in my mind. You were always with me, Scully; my strength was yours, my hope was you. And now you stir, your warm body, soft and relaxed within my arms. Still, in a sleeping world, your body sinks and melts into mine. I am held fast where I want to be, secured by the invisible ties of your longing. This morning time is measurable. I wake from a night of sleep and recognize the morning light, sparkling with its fresh newness, shining through each chink in the blind at your window and coalescing in a soft pool of amber. Each morning ray bathes walls and furniture and your face in its healing light. Time is ready to be divided by common daily tasks and the hands of the clock face, passing in seconds, minutes and hours again, not just a stream punctuated only by pain. But this moment -- this exquisite second-- stands still. I linger in this instant as Time expands, allowing me to fix you in my memory and feel your physical presence close and real. ****************************** She brought him home last night, to her apartment, to her bed and to her heart. ******************************* I rise from the depth of sleep to the verge of wakefulness. My eyelids register the pale saffron glow of early morning light, and I hear his soft, even breaths that murmur through my hair. The gentle thuds of his heart beat against his chest wall -- comfort is this rhythm and song of life. As if to swell the harmony of the song, I feel the soft fluttering of my own pulse where my throat rests against Mulder's warm skin. An irregular rhythm of small kicking movements from the sweet life within me provides the descant. Full wakefulness is nudging me, but I resist awhile longer, hovering on the brink. I am at peace; I am complete. We are complete ... ... we are a family. The constant ache is gone; the tight fingers of fear that have squeezed my heart from the moment I knew you had been taken, unclench -- released by your return. There is no more need to tamp down anger and bitterness, or the maelstrom that came from fearing you were lost to me forever -- that no searching would find you, that there would be no return. I no longer need to hold my love in some walled up place, afraid that allowing its release would be my undoing, that I would fly apart and no one would ever be able to put the pieces back together again. I was lost without you, isolated. Exhaustion was my constant companion -- a tiredness of the spirit and heart, the result of the need to protect myself and my unborn child from the world's prying eyes. My defense was an old friend, the maintenance of Agent Scully's calm, professional exterior. I was drained by the energy needed to uphold the lie, each new day a trial of endurance. My resolve was so nearly broken in those early days of defeat. My utter failure to find you in that barren desert hurt more than my bruised and battered body, crying out in anguish on a hospital floor -- my hope fading as quickly as the tears that spilled. But hope was born of despair. There was no other direction to take; the choice was simple. I could accept my powerlessness and defeat and lose myself in the process, or go on searching. I owed the gift of hope to the life I carried. The coldness and emptiness of this bed seeped into my spirit -- mornings of waking alone, those first moments of blessed peace so quickly seared and shattered by the realization that you were still missing. Now peace and happiness overwhelm me, invade me, wrap around me and cocoon me. As I bask in your closeness and the feel of you against me, I touch life within and without. I fully leave the world of sleep and experience the same thrill of excitement Christmas morning brought when I was a child -- that wonderful sensation like bubbles inside, rushing in their lightness to escape the confines of my body. Contentment remains, and I never want to leave. I know more is waiting for me, if I only open my eyes and look at you ... Mulder. ********************************* He anticipates the moment when their eyes will meet. He hears her sigh as his loving hands sweep over her in gentle caress. She opens her eyes to look for him -- those blue eyes, intense and shimmering with emotion. The smile that transforms her face is incandescent, and he knows it's true ... "And all the worlds That will come back When you raise your head And look". End. AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story would never have reached fruition without the encouragement, advice, friendship, and beta skills of dlynn to whom I am eternally grateful, especially for her friendship.