Title: White Noise, White Wave Author: Shahara Zade(shahara_zade@hotmail.com) Spoilers: Through S/8 Rating: R-ish for violence. Squick warnings: a minor (as in person under the age of 18) propositions an adult (nothing happens though). Disclaimer: 1013's intellectual property is not mine. I don't hold the copyright on Scott's or Cameron's brain either. Damn. Summary: Hard-boiled!Doggett, sixteen years later. Originally written for the DSR Lyric Wheel. Everything you never wanted to see happen. Sorry, folks, I really wanted to write something sweet and romantic, but this sinister thing crawled out of my brain instead. Thanks to Alicia K. for ultra-speedy beta. White Noise, White Wave: The pathetic little thug stroked himself suggestively with a grimy hand. "Come on, make you feel real good. Been a while? No problem, I'll go slow." He had chipped black nail polish and wide pouting lips, which might have been sensuous if less cracked. He probably hadn't had a decent meal in days, John Doggett thought, and the thread of disgust in his throat subsided. The human stench in the flop where he had tracked the kid was overwhelming. Seven stories of rickety stairs and seedy rooms with dark doorways and dismal occupants, wrapped in old coats and rags, blinking into his flashlight. Doggett wondered if Colonization Prevention was much good to them, or to the creature slumped against what must have once been a leather couch cushion. "What's wrong, old man?" Old man. He was old. Old and tired, and he had long despaired of anything good ever happening again; of any questions being answered or any justice being served. He should have retired, except that Fletcher's guys didn't retire. You don't retire in the middle of a war, even a covert one. "You got a name, kid?" "Whatever you want it to be, mister." He opened his legs wider, inviting, but his voice sounded as flat and tired as Doggett felt. Doggett looked away. "Seriously." "Shakespeare," the kid sighed. "Or Shakes. Everybody calls me Shakes, cause when I'm done, I leave 'em shaking." "You want some breakfast, Shakes?" The kid had to be interviewed in safety. Shakespeare's eyes lit up at the mention of food, then narrowed, wary. "Why? We can do anything you want, right here." "I'm not a...a customer. Wait, I'll pay the going rate, but I just wanna talk, okay? I'm here about the other street kids, the ones that have disappeared. Do you know what I mean? This whole block used to be packed with them. Runaways, Junkies. Now - " "Now they're gone." Shakes swallowed, pulling his knees up close to his body. "Yeah. They're mostly all gone. So, what I wanted to ask you, was if you had seen anything out of the ordinary...any lights, for example." "Look, no offense, man, but I don't think - " The kid was a blur of motion. He feigned left, and then leaped right, landing on his feet. He sprang for the stairs, and Doggett would not have caught him at all without the nano-gun. He hated infecting the kid with the evolutionary great-grand child of the technology that controlled him, even as he rationalized that at least the dart would vaccinate Shakespeare against the Rep Virus. He crouched beside the kid where he had dropped. "No. Nonononono..." "Easy there. The pain will stop in a minute. We need to get out of here. Think you can walk?" "Leave me alone." Shakespeare struggled weakly. There was a humming sound from above, a skylight shattered. Flickering light. Doggett felt the floor under them begin to tremble. They were coming. He pulled the kid up over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and ran, dropping disrupter grenades behind him as he retreated. Protocol indicated that he should have abandoned the Subject. Shakes was immune now, it wasn't like they could Rep. him. The thing was, the kid had her eyes, and he had been haunted by those eyes for sixteen long, horrible years. Not that he hadn't seen her before. The determined set of her jaw, in some store clerk. The precise speech of the woman who dispatched Fletcher's assignments. The copper of her hair a thousand times. But this kid had her eyes. Her eyes the night after they buried Fox Mulder, the first time. Her eyes the night he held her and begged her, "What can I do? I'll do anything. Anything you want, just tell me." Her eyes, red ringed, as she whispered, "Make it all stop. I can't bring another life into *this* - not without him. I won't make it. We won't make it! We struggle and we struggle and we lose...most of the time. Mulder was a great man! I believed in him, in us. There was the work, and him." Her voice was a raw growl. "I never wanted anything else. Can you make it stop, John? Please?" She had only let him that once, and it was only his hand and her hand and it had been more seizure than sex anyway. Just a white wave of white noise, momentary peace. He would be forever hungry still for more. They never spoke of it, and then Fox Mulder returned from the dead, and he was glad for her. It was a year for death and re-birth, and he was lost in files and miracles. Fletcher, finally, sneering and jaded, brought him back to himself. Woke him up again. After Walter Skinner and Fox Mulder showed up in the FBI parking garage, each man with his brains blown out. After Monica's body was found, stuffed into a women's restroom cubicle, off a highway in Georgia. After Dana Scully and her baby vanished without a trace. Fletcher had toyed with the palm pilot almost bored, as Doggett was bent over doubled, gasping in pain. "I don't really need this stupid thing, do I, John? You're a soldier. You kill things, that's the bottom line. And have I got things for you to kill. Oh buddy boy, you're gonna love it." X X X X X X X Shakespeare squirmed on the battered vinyl diner bench. He stuffed a handful of ketchup covered onion rings into his mouth, before responding, "I dunno." "You don't know how old you are, son?" It was hard to buy, something about the cadence of his speech wasn't right. Something about the way he had calmed down so quickly, once the nanos had integrated with his system, as if he had expected it. The kid wasn't leveling. Doggett switched tactics. He didn't know why he had even kept the photograph of her, it hadn't been his to keep, but he pulled it out now and pushed it across the table. "Ever seen this woman before?" Shakespeare glanced down at the photograph, swallowing. As he looked up again, his vibrant blue eyes grew round. The cheeseburger he had been about to bite into fell back to the plate. His face had gone pale. "She's coming in now." "Wha-" Doggett was cut off by the screams of dining patrons, as she knocked over tables and sent chairs and their occupants flying. The cold unwavering purpose as she advanced was unmistakable. He thought of Billy Miles again, the Reps were all the same. He drew the specialized weapon and stood, firing off three darts. Fletcher's crew were equipped with more sophisticated tools now, faster ones. In the early days, it would have taken almost a full minute for the nanos to destroy the Rep fifteen seconds longer than you often had. They had lost some good guys that way. She - it - stopped mid-step and crumbled. Anti-climactic. Shakespeare had come to stand beside him. Doggett placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to see that, kid." "Don't be," He shook his head, all trace of the street accent evaporated. "That hasn't been my mother in almost a year now, John Doggett." Doggett pressed a call button inside his coat. A Fletcher "ambulance" would arrive shortly, to dispose of the remains and work the p.r. issues. He crouched beside the body, running his fingers over the eyelids to close them. There was no concern for contamination, his inoculations were up to date. "Made it stop, Agent Scully," he whispered, "Sorry it took me so long." END Artist: Delerium Album: Silence [Single] Title: Silence Give me release Witness me I am outside Give me peace Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up When the rage in me subsides Passion Chokes the flower Until she cries no more Possessing all the beauty Hungry still for more Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up When the rage in me subsides In this white wave I am sinking In this silence In this white wave... In this silence... I believe I can't help this longing... Comfort me I can't hold it all in... If you won't let me... Heaven holds a sense of wonder And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up When the rage in me subsides In this white wave I am sinking In this silence In this white wave... In this silence... I believe I have seen you... In this white wave You are silent You are breathing In this white wave... I am free